why choose

Enjoy the flexibility to run your own business part-time without any full-time financial overheads or leasing fees

Expand your referral base and build your business without major set up costs or long-term leasing commitments

Run your business your own way while still having professional interaction with other health professionals and referrals

Improve your patient experience by being located within a multi-disciplinary healthcare hub with off street parking, disability access and quality facilities

Enjoy a clean, comfortable space for your business​

Realise your dream of running your own business without working from home

The lower overheads of operating through H+ can provide a pathway to expand your business as your patient numbers increase

Move your business from home, giving appointments a more professional feel for patients

Patients can see their GP, have a blood test or visit the pharmacy in the same visit

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Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed 

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